1.  Food in the refrigerator 
    – Fruits ( orange, pears, apples, kiwi, banana)
    – Vegetables ( carrots, squash,tomato,bottle guard(upo))
    -Corned beef
    -Peanut butter
  2.  Based on the items I see in our refrigerator, I think the food I am eating is a balanced of healthy and unhealthy food. I believed that I need to balanced eating healthy and unhealthy food because an athlete, I need to eat carbs,proteins,fats and sugar that may be found in meat and junk foods but in moderation.
  3. The best part of my body that I like the most is the built of my shoulders, arms and chest because I used to lift weights and do exercise to make my body firm for upcoming competitions. On the other hand, the part of my body where I don’t like the most is my thigh because I have a hard time wearing pants. Sometimes the pants is just fit on my waist but not on my thighs and I end up having bigger waist pants/ shorts size just to fit on my thighs. 

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