
1. How are you treated in your own family?
     As a younger daughter of our family, they treated me like a baby. They spoil me with the foods I want. They treated me with so much love. They are protected with me and with my feelings. They always secure my safety and they always secure that I am happy and at the same time they taught me to be responsible and disciplined person.

2. What are the do’s and don’ts as a boy and girl?
     My do’s and don’t may differ from other people because my family especially my mom always taught me and my siblings to always respect each other and other people. Also, never fight back unless it’s necessary or just answer the issue, fight for what is right but always with respect, go on with life as long as I don’t hurt other people and lastly, be responsible and humble ALL THE TIME.

 3. What do you think is the right time for you to get married? What are the characteristics that you will fall in love with? What harm it may cause you to watch pornographic material?
       For me the right time to get married is when I am already financially, physically and emotionally stable and I am hoping that at the age of 27 I am already stable. I want to get married when I am ready and find the person I can be with for life.
Before my dream GUY was a singer, tall,handsome and good in cooking but everything has changed when I grew up because my ideal MAN is a person who is responsible for his actions, a man who can fight for me and with me, a man who is strategic in life ( madiskarte sa buhay) and a man who understands me and never leave me despite of my flaws,insecurities and short tempered personality and that’s my ideal man that I would fall in love with .
In general, the harm of pornographic material is that the curiosity may kill or lead me in the wrong path. Due to curiosity, I may try somethings to experience and to know what’s all about. Therefore, sex education is important and it starts inside your/our home to fee the curiosity. 


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