Political Self


I believe that there is a side of me having a political self. In my previous school, it taught me how to be leader not a boss because a leader is a follower and a boss is someone who will just command of things. I became the president and vice president of the club I’m into when I was in junior high school and became the head organizer of my own organization when I was in senior high school. Being a leader is not easy. It takes a lot of pressure,stress and at the same time happiness. For me being a leader is not just being the head of a group but rather being a leader is giving service. Giving what you have. When I was in senior high school I organize events. One major event I organize is the school’s sportsfest. It is a long process before the event was approved. There I realized that being the head of the event is not easy. It will take your time instead your relaxing. But being the head is the best feeling when you are able to serve the people. Personally, it feels so good to give service to my co-students where they enjoyed and give out their skills and talents through sports.


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