Spiritual Self


My spiritual self is always tested. But it feels so good when I visit the house of the Lord. Before or after class I always go or pass by the church. I always feels safe and I feel fine whenever I drop by the church. My spiritual self and belief is tested whenever I have trials in life but I know when I believe it is much stronger. I just need to believe. There come a time I questioned him and my faith was falling into pieces and falling apart. Luckily, I see the light and the right path. There may be obstacles and test of faith but I know even I turned back to him, he will always guide me back to him and accept me. I am lucky to be his child. I am lucky to have a God who’s forgiving and loving and now my belief into him is strong and if he doesn’t answer what I wish for, I will just believe in him because I know he has plans, not just plans but greater plans for me.


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